I am stydying media communication so for me it is very necessary to use everything what is possible for me in media area. I mean laptop, mobile, printer, internet and so on...
It is just two weeks I have got external USB WD Sync with 250GB. My memory in my laptop was absoluty full of music, movies, files, applications games.
I play (when I have a time with friends or alone games) so PS2, nintendo or in my laptop.
I am now in Sweden so I see my family and friends via camera in my laptop. I have got music from my friend who is DJ, but sometimes I have a look at www.stage6.com or www.youtube.com For sharing stuff with friends i have a look at www.facebook.com, www.msn.com or www.skype.com . I think that skype is better working than msn.
For studying is very important for me to use Lingea, digital translator. It is much more quicklier than searching in books.
If I have to read a book I am not reading it via laptop. Only magazine and news. Television I don't like because 'nothing is there'. And here in Sweden I don't understant language. I like to watch http://www.watchtvsitcoms.com/ or http://www.watch-movies.net/